
What Is Texas Mother Taylor Parker? Charges & Reports Regarding the Killer of Her Friend & Her Unborn Child

A Texas woman is currently on trial for murdering her pregnant friend and cutting the fetus from the victim’s womb. The woman, identified as Taylor Parker, even pretended to be pregnant. On the opposite side, the victim’s name is listed as Regan Simmons-Hancock. The victim was 34 weeks pregnant when she was murdered. Taylor also murdered her unborn daughter, Braxyln Sage, in addition to Regan. Many individuals have been profoundly affected by the news, and it has become a topic of discussion on social media.
The Texas woman reportedly pleaded not guilty to capital murder, kidnapping, and non-capital murder in connection with the baby. For those unaware, the horrific event occurred in October 2020. In addition, the case’s trial began on Monday, September 12, 2022. The accused could face the death penalty or life in prison without parole if she is found guilty and convicted of capital murder, according to reports.

Taylor Parker
Taylor Parker

Taylor stabbed her pregnant friend approximately 100 times in order to steal her unborn child. During the trial’s opening statement, Assistant District Attorney Kelley Crisp described Taylor Parker as an actress of the highest caliber. Kelly disclosed that Parker aborted Regan’s child after stabbing her mother to death and crushing her skull with a hammer. Kelly added that the lies and fraud continue and that it began months ago and culminated in a murder.

The 29-year-old also made it appear as if the umbilical cord was still attached by placing the placenta in her own pants, making it appear as if she had just given birth. On the opposite side, the infant girl died shortly after being surgically extracted from the womb. A state trooper reportedly stopped Parker at 9:37 a.m. when she was observed performing CPR on the infant.

Later, she brought her to the hospital. Authorities have confirmed that Parker pretended to be pregnant for ten months out of fear of losing her boyfriend, Wade Griffin. Reagan’s mother discovered her daughter lying in a pool of blood on the ground and called 911. Parker admitted after being questioned by officials that she did not give birth to the infant.

texas mom
texas mom

Minutes before Parker was stopped, Reagan’s mother had called 911 after discovering her daughter on the ground with a “large quantity” of blood.

It engulfed the home’s floor, furniture, walls, appliances, and other items, and emergency personnel observed a large cut on Regan’s abdomen.

Parker admitted to officers that she had not given birth to the infant and that she had assaulted Reagan prior to kidnapping the child.

Parker informed her then-boyfriend Wade Griffin that she was scheduled to be induced on the day of the murder.

Griffin informed officers that he was scheduled to meet her at the hospital around lunchtime for the birth of their child.

After lying to Griffin about her pregnancy, Parker allegedly offered $100,000 for a surrogate mother, according to witnesses.

The defense attorney Jeff Harrelson urged the twelve jurors not to succumb to their emotions and to maintain an open mind.

He stated, “This is a factually and emotionally complex case.” The law is the lens and filter through which you must view these facts. ‘It is not always black and white, but rather a shade of gray.’


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