Scientists Developed Altema-tive Bone Reconstruction Method
- A team of scientists from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru developed an alternative bone reconstruction method similar to sutures on June 7, 2016.
- Suture are the injuries which injuries fade away with time.’They used the ingredient namely maltitol, derived from maltose, a Sweetening agent found in most sugar-free foods such as ice-creams.
- Maltitol is combined with other components to make long chain-like structures that become plastic. This is then used to fill in the bone gap caused by fracture, instead of the traditional rod.
- The advantage of using maltitol to make the scaffold or structure to be implanted in the bone so that drugs can then be injected into it to fasten the healing.
Hydrogen Found in Distant Galaxy First Time
- The National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the US observed radio emission from hydrogen in a distant galaxy and found that it would have contained billions of young, massive stars surrounded by clouds of hydrogen gas on June 2, 2016.
- The galaxy, dubbed HFLS3, 12.8 billion light-years from Earth, is producing the equivalent of nearly 3000 Suns per year, a rate more than 2000 times that of our own Milky Way. The galaxy is massive, with a huge reservoir of gas from which it forms new stars.
- So far, radio telescopes have only been able to detect the emission signature of hydrogen from relatively nearby galaxies. Due to the upgrade of the Very Large Array, this is the first time we’ve been able to directly measure atomic hydrogen in a galaxy this far from Earth.
Airbus Unveiled its First 3D-prited Mini Aircraft
- World’s first 3D printed plane r presented by European ispace company, Airbus at the lin air show on June 6, 2016.
- Thor is a windowless drone that :ighs in at 46 pounds (21 kg) and less than 4 m (13 feet) in length.
- The aircraft is completely D-printed, except the electrical .‘lements, which are built from a substance called polyamide.
Scientists Discovered Rare Symmetrical ‘Einstein Ring’
- The scientists discovered one of the most symmetrical Einstein rings predicted by Einstein’s theory of General Relativity—a rare astronomical phenomenon created by a galaxy located 10000 million light years away that is hidden behind a more massive galaxy on May 31, 2016.
- Einstein’s General Relativity was published in 1915, but a few years before that, in 1912, Einstein predicted the bending of light. Russian physicist Orest Chwolson was the first to-mention the ring effect in scientific literature in 1924, which is why the rings are also called Einstein-Chwolson rings.
- An Einstein ring is a distorted image of a very distant galaxy, which is termed ‘the source’. The distortion is produced by the bending of the light rays from the source due to a massive galaxy, termed ‘the lens’, lying between it and the observer.
- The strong gravitational field produced by the lens galaxy distorts the structure of space-time in its neighborhood, and this does not only attract objects which have a mass, but also bends the paths of light.
- Studying these phenomena gives us relevant information about the composition of the source galaxy, and also about the structure of the gravitational field and of the dark matter in the lens galaxy.
ZSI Recorded Climate Change Impact on Animals
- The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) started monitoring plots in the Himalayas to document the impact of climate change on the animal world on June 29, 2016.
- The project, funded by the Ministry for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, will monitor indicators in species like fish, butterflies, bees and other insects to find out how their distribution has been affected by climate change.
- The project will run for three years in West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh and more than ? 2 crore has been earmarked for the exercise.
- Last year, 262 new animal species were discovered from India, of which 70 have been credited to ZSI scientists.