Jharkhand Budget 2016-17
- Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubatr Das tabled in the , assembly a Rs 63502.69 crore budget for financial year 2016-2017 on February 19, 2016.
- The special focus of the budget is rural development and agriculture. It has made special provisions for women termed as gender budgeting.
- The budget has a plan component of Rs 37065.35 crore and a non-plan component of Rs 26437.34 crore.
- The budget allocates the largest chunk of the rupee to three areas—Education, Art, Culture and Sports receive 15.30%, Rural Development gets 13.78% and Agriculture and Allied Activities get 9.04%.
- The 18.59% of the money will come as Grant-in-Aid, 29.10% as the State’s share of central taxes, 26.85% as the State’s own taxes, 13.27% the State’s non-tax resources, 12.13% as borrowings, and the remainder from other sources.
- For the annual Stale plan of 2016-2017, agriculture comprises 12.80% of the total budget, education 13.51%, rural development 19.91%, road construction 10.91% and other departments the remainder.
- The MLA’s Local Area Fund has been hiked from Rs 3 crore to Rs 4 crore per annum with the extra money to be used for irrigation purposes.
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