
Likoni Ferry Accident: Baby Saved from The Indian Ocean at Likoni Ferry, Case Update

In a compelling update released on Sunday, the Kenya Red Cross informed the public that a miraculous rescue had taken place, with an 8-month-old child now under specialized medical care at the Kenya Red Cross Rescue Centre

The miraculous rescue of the 8-month-old from the Indian Ocean incident not only underscores the importance of swift and decisive action but also sparks a crucial conversation about accountability and legal consequences in cases of child endangerment.

The public outcry serves as a powerful reminder that collective voices can drive change and ensure justice prevails.

The Likoni Ferry case stands as a stark reminder of the delicate nature of mental health and the pivotal role that communities play in responding to and preventing tragic events.

It prompts reflection on the importance of fostering mental health awareness, proactive community engagement, and the collective responsibility to create a supportive environment for all individuals.

Likoni Ferry Acciden
Likoni Ferry Accident (Image: Source)

Miraculous Rescue: Likoni Ferry Accident

This heartwarming development follows a distressing incident in the Indian Ocean, showcasing the remarkable efforts of the rescue team.1

Swift Action and Gratitude to the Rescue Team

The official statement from the Kenya Red Cross expresses sincere appreciation for the swift and decisive action taken by the rescue team.

The collective efforts of these dedicated responders played a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of the rescued child.

Dramatic Rescue Footage Circulates on Social Media

A video shared across social media platforms captures the intense moment when a group of responders, equipped with floaters, fearlessly dove into the ocean immediately after the incident unfolded.

This dramatic footage underscores the courage and commitment of those involved in the rescue operation.

Public Outcry and Demands for Accountability

The incident has triggered widespread outrage among Kenyans, prompting calls for accountability and justice against the responsible party, presumed to be the parent.

The public’s collective sentiment decries the unacceptable nature of the event and demands swift action to address the underlying issues.

Likoni Ferry Accident
Likoni Ferry Accident

Voices of Concern and Calls for Stringent Penalties

Individuals expressing their concern on various platforms emphasize the need for accountability in cases of negligence or endangerment of a child.

One commentator expressed dismay, stating, “This is totally unacceptable.” The sentiment echoes the collective disappointment felt by many in the aftermath of the incident.

Human Capacity for Compassion and Accountability

Amidst the shock and anger, some individuals highlight the dual nature of humanity—capable of heartlessness but also capable of coming together for the greater good.

One commentator acknowledges this dichotomy, stating, “Humans have the capacity to be heartless against each other, but I admire the fact that they also possess the capacity to come through for victims of the said heartlessness. In some cases, even risking their own lives.”

Legal Ramifications: Calls for Stringent Penalties

The discussion extends to the legal consequences that the responsible party should face. Calls for a life sentence and a prolonged prison term resonate in public sentiment.

A user identified as Mwangi demands, “The mother should face a life sentence and spend all her life in prison. Wondering whether struggling with her kid was better than rotting in prison.”

Kenyan Laws and Accountability

Insights into Kenyan laws reveal that an adult or an individual older than 14 years faces the prospect of a life sentence if found guilty of causing the death of a child.

This legal backdrop adds urgency to the calls for accountability, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Likoni Ferry Accident
Likoni Ferry Accident (Image: Source)

Baby Saved from the Depths of the Indian Ocean at Likoni Ferry Channel

In a heart-wrenching incident at the Likoni Ferry Channel, an eight-month-old infant found themselves in the perilous waters of the Indian Ocean.2

However, swift and heroic actions by coast guards and dedicated volunteers thwarted tragedy, rescuing the baby from the clutches of the ocean’s depths.

Miraculous Rescue Efforts Unfold

Eyewitnesses narrate that the distressing event unfolded when the mother, in a shocking act, threw her baby into the turbulent waves.

The timely response of coast guards and selfless volunteers played a pivotal role in averting a potential catastrophe.

The Kenya Red Cross promptly issued a statement, confirming the miraculous rescue and the subsequent transfer of the infant to the secure confines of the Kenya Red Cross rescue center.

Heroic Intervention at Likoni Ferry Crossing

The official statement by the Kenya Red Cross highlighted the extraordinary efforts made to save the eight-month-old at the Likoni ferry crossing.

A video capturing the harrowing incident went viral on social media, portraying coast guards and responders equipped with floaters racing against time to retrieve the distressed child.

Likoni Ferry Accident
Likoni Ferry Accident

Outrage Echoes Online

  • The incident sparked a wave of indignation among netizens, with many expressing their dismay and anger on various platforms.
  • Former Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, voiced his strong disapproval, emphasizing the intolerable nature of such actions.
  • He remarked, “This is totally unacceptable…Humans have the capacity to be heartless against each other, but I admire the fact that they also possess the capacity to come through for victims of the said heartlessness.
  • In some cases, even risking their own lives.”

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Calls for Justice Intensify

Angered by the shocking act, the online community united in demanding justice for the innocent child.

Calls for decisive action against the responsible party echoed across social media platforms.

Demands for Stringent Legal Consequences

  • Mike Sonko, among others, insisted on severe legal repercussions for the mother involved.
  • He stated, “The mother should face a life sentence and spend all her life in prison. Wondering whether struggling with her kid was better than rotting in prison.”
  • In the face of public outcry, the incident not only sheds light on the depth of human resilience but also underscores the collective call for accountability when such heart-wrenching events unfold.
  • The swift response by the coast guards and volunteers serves as a testament to the unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives, even in the most challenging circumstances.
Likoni Ferry Accident
Likoni Ferry Accident (Image: Source)

Likoni Ferry Incident: Case Update

In the wake of the Likoni Ferry incident, crucial developments have unfolded, shaping a narrative that delves into the complexities surrounding the case.

Authorities have apprehended the woman, believed to be deaf, in connection with the ongoing investigation, marking a significant step toward understanding the circumstances that led to this distressing event.

Deciphering Motives: The Core of the Likoni Ferry Investigation

The primary focus of the ongoing investigation is to unravel the motives behind the shocking actions of the woman involved.

With meticulous attention, authorities are delving into the depths of her mental state, seeking insights that could shed light on the driving forces behind this unfortunate incident.

Safeguarding the Vulnerable: A Priority in the Aftermath

Simultaneously, the spotlight is on ensuring the safety and well-being of the rescued infant.

Paramount concerns have triggered coordinated efforts to provide appropriate care and support for the child, emphasizing the importance of a swift and effective response to safeguarding vulnerable individuals in similar situations.

Community Call for Vigilance: A Collective Responsibility

The Likoni Ferry incident has reverberated through the community, sparking a collective call for vigilance.

The narrative underscores the need for heightened awareness, urging community members to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding vulnerable individuals from potential harm.

Lessons in Crisis Response: The Likoni Ferry Case Update

Moreover, the Likoni Ferry case update serves as a poignant lesson in crisis response. It highlights the significance of community-wide efforts in promptly addressing crises and fostering an environment of compassion.

The collective response to this incident underscores the power of communities in coming together to navigate through challenging times.

Anticipating Insights: Mental Health Awareness Initiatives

As the investigation progresses, there is a palpable anticipation for insights that may contribute to mental health awareness and support initiatives.

The Likoni Ferry incident acts as a catalyst for discussions surrounding mental health, emphasizing the need for proactive measures and support structures within communities.


1. What happened in the Likoni Ferry Accident involving a child thrown into the ocean by the mother?

In September 2019, a tragic incident occurred at the Likoni Ferry in Kenya, where a mother threw her four-year-old child into the ocean before succumbing to mental health issues. The child was later rescued by a local fisherman and reunited with the family.

2. Was the Likoni Ferry Accident child physically harmed during the incident?

Fortunately, the child rescued from the Likoni Ferry Accident was not physically harmed. Immediate intervention by a brave fisherman ensured the child’s safety, and they were promptly returned to their family unharmed.

3. What measures were taken to prevent similar incidents after the Likoni Ferry Accident?

Following the Likoni Ferry incident, authorities implemented increased security measures, including enhanced surveillance, mental health awareness programs, and stricter regulations to prevent such tragic events and ensure the safety of passengers.

4. How did the Likoni Ferry Accident impact mental health awareness in the community?

The Likoni Ferry tragedy shed light on the importance of mental health awareness in the community. It prompted discussions, advocacy, and initiatives to address mental health issues, reduce stigma, and provide support for individuals facing mental health challenges.

5. What support services were offered to the family involved in the Likoni Ferry Accident?

In the aftermath of the Likoni Ferry incident, the affected family received extensive support from local and national authorities, including counseling services, financial assistance, and community outreach programs to help them cope with the emotional and psychological impact of the tragic event.

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Joyashree Ghosh
Joyashree Ghosh

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