Sarah Lawrence College, an elite liberal arts institution located in New York, was rocked by a shocking revelation of abuse and exploitation at the hands of one man: Larry Ray. A three-part series, “Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence,” premiered on February 9th, giving victims a platform to share their experiences and shed light on the decade of abuse they endured.

One of the individuals closely involved in the case is Isabella Pollok, a former student and alleged “lieutenant” in Ray’s so-called “cult.” This article takes a closer look at her story and her current situation.

Isabella Pollok
Isabella Pollok

The Arrival of Larry Ray at Sarah Lawrence

In 2010, after being released from prison, Larry Ray moved into his daughter Talia’s student housing at Sarah Lawrence College. Along with Talia, seven other students lived in the housing, including Isabella Pollok. At the time, the arrangement didn’t raise any red flags, but things quickly took a dark turn.

The Manipulative Tactics of Larry Ray

According to The Cut, Larry Ray quickly made himself appear to be a confidant and spiritual guide to Talia and her friends. He began holding “therapy” sessions with individual students, using these sessions to extract intimate details from them. Pollok, who was dealing with a recent breakup, reportedly “took comfort” in Ray’s company and saw him as someone who could help her “make sense of things.”

However, Ray’s true intentions were far from helpful. He soon began holding “interrogation” sessions with the students, manipulating them into making false confessions and subjecting them to physical and emotional abuse. He also extorted money from their families and made some students participate in forced labor and prostitution.

The Relationship Between Larry Ray and Isabella Pollok

In 2011, Ray moved into a one-bedroom apartment with Talia and several friends, including Pollok, where he continued his abusive behavior. During this time, Ray entered into a relationship with both Pollok and Felicia Rosario, the sister of two of Ray’s victims, Santos and Yalitza Rosario. Ray referred to Felicia as his “wife,” though they were never officially married.

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The Arrest and Conviction of Larry Ray

Larry Ray was arrested in February 2020 and was convicted on several counts, including sex trafficking, extortion, and forced labor, following a four-week trial in April 2022. Court documents revealed that one student, Claudia Drury, was forced into prostitution by Ray and subjected to abuse, including being tied to a chair and nearly suffocated with a plastic bag over her head. On January 20, 2023, Ray was sentenced to 60 years in prison for racketeering conspiracy, violent crime, extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor, tax evasion, and money laundering offenses.

The Current Status of Isabella Pollok

Isabella Pollok is currently being investigated as a co-defendant in the case, with prosecutors referring to her as Ray’s “trusted lieutenant.” The New York Times reported that she allegedly helped Ray sexually and psychologically manipulate her friends and roommates, with one student alleging that she held onto video recordings that Ray used to falsely incriminate them. In March 2021, Pollok was charged with racketeering, extortion, and sex trafficking conspiracies and pleaded not guilty at the time. However, on September 7, 2022, she pleaded guilty to one count of money laundering conspiracy.


The story of Larry Ray’s cult at Sarah Lawrence College is a disturbing and emotional one, highlighting the power and control an individual can exert over others. “Stolen Youth: Inside the Cult at Sarah Lawrence” provides a voice for Ray’s victims and a glimpse into the horrific abuse they endured. The series is available now on Hulu and serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of cults and the importance of recognizing and speaking out against abuse.

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