International Current Affairs
4th Nuclear Security Summit Held in Washington
- TYie 4th Nuclear Security Summit hosted by Barack Obama in Washington on March 31,-2016. The agenda of the summit is to prepare action plans for safeguarding nuclear material and facilities and preventing nuclear terrorism.
- According to an estimate, the world has about 800 metric tonnes of radioactive uranium and plutonium, that lie in hundreds of civilian nuclear reactors and military stations spread over 50 countries.
- President Obama announced the launch of the initiative in his speech in Prague on April 5, 2009, saying of all the threats to global security and peace, the most dangerous is the proliferation and potential use of nuclear weapons.
- During the summit, there were three plenary sessions on the April 1, 2016 and more than 50 nations are participating. Previously, Nuclear Security Summits were held in the USA in 2010, in South Korea in 2012 and in the Netherlands in 2014.
UNICEF Launched ‘Unfairy Tales’ of Refugee and Migrant Children
- The United Nations.Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) launched a series of animated films called ‘Unfairy Tales’ on March 29, 2016 to help frame positive perceptions towards the tens of millions of children and young people on the move globally.
- The three animations-true stories of the flight of children from conflict, explains the horror behind why they fled. They have been animated in the style of a fairy tale and will be supported by an interactive e-book experience also called Unfairy Tales.
- The UNICEF paid tribute to the ad agency 180LA for conceiving and fully producing the series with help from animation houses Consulado, House of Colours, Bubba’s Chop Shop and Gilles + Cecilie Studio, along with Media Monks, which produced the interactive e-book.