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Goa Jail (Prisons Dept) Guard Previous Year Question Papers 2017
The latest notification released by the Guard in Goa and the PDF is available for the exam of Goa Jail Guard. The applicants can download the set of papers along with the solutions from here, and get the pattern description from below. Jail Guard Sample papers are in PDF format which is easily downloaded. To get the syllabus and pattern, follow the latest update. The information of the pattern of the papers and syllabus with the solution of the paper is important to understand the format of the Goa Exam. Notification with the exam pattern, syllabus and solved papers of Goa exam is provided for the aspiring candidates. So, download the links in PDF with the format of the exam. To know more about the notification, go to the official website. The links includes the Goa Jail guard previous year question papers and exam pattern, which will be useful in understanding the format. The section of the exam is also helpful in determining the syllabus and topics. Download the pattern and links to get the Guard exam papers.
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Goa Prison Force and Department have released a notification to fill the guard post in the Goa State. The authority decided to conduct an exam to recruit for the post, and thus you may have to understand the exam pattern from here. We have provided the exam pattern and syllabus with elaborative description to ensure the candidates. The aspiring candidates may have to download the notification, and get the information of the guard vacancies. The format of the exam which is provided here is the latest and will be helpful to give ample information related with the topics and subjects involved in the Guard exam. The Goa department is authorised to recruit the candidates based on the process involved in the recruitment. The channel of selection is provided in the notification, so view the notification before applying for the exam. To make the understanding better, you may use the syllabus and pattern.
Pattern and syllabus for Goa Jail Guard Exam
The syllabus and topics are provided here to give you the format of the exam. The pattern provided here, is followed by the notification of the authority, which will be used by the candidates. To ensure you may suggest it from the official website. The exam is conducted in written format, MCQ based questions. There will be physical examination test along with the verification. The candidates are advised to follow the instructions as provided in the notification. The topics of the exam are GK, Maths and English. The topics involve section questions and marks of the exam. To understand the pattern, follow this information.
Name of the organisation –GOA Jail Authority
Name of the post – Guard
Job Category – Syllabus
Mode of Exam – Written exam
Website –
Get: Goa Police Question Papers
S.No | Subjects | Marks | Duration |
1. | General Arithmetic | 100 Marks | 2 Hours |
2. | General Knowledge | ||
3. | Basic Knowledge of English & Konkani |
The solved papers and sample papers are downloaded from here. You can also write to us, and share the information, or ask queries, as we provide the updated information for the government jobs. The other information is available in the website. The candidates should visit the to get the complete information. The notification is released, on the website, which will be important for all the candidates who are applying for it. To get the information of the PDF papers and solved papers follow the updates from here.
Download 10 Years Goa Jail (Prisons Dept) Guard Previous Question Papers
Goa Prisons Jail Guard Previous Question Paper
Goa Prisons Jail Guard Model Question Paper
Goa Prisons Department Exam Syllabus
Goa Jail Guard Arithmetic Sample Papers
Goa Jail Guard General knowledge Papers
Goa Prisons Dept Jail Guard Previous Papers
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