Malabar Joint Naval Exercise Conducted
- India, Japan and the USA on June 10, 2016 started Malabar Exercise, close to the South China sea with a focus on deeper military ties and greater interoperability amid rising tensions in the region.
- India and the USA have regularly conducted the annual exercise since 1992. Sincq 2007, Malabar has been held alternatively off India and in the Western Pacific.
- Indian ships participating in the exercise includes INS-Sahyadri and INS-Satpura, indigenously built guided missile stealth frigates, INS-Shakti, a modem fleet tanker and support ship, and INS-Kirch, an indigenous guided missile corvette.
Indo-Korean Joint Naval Exercise
- The Indo-Korean joint Coast Guard exercise Sahyog-Hyeobleod 2016 strated in Chennai on June 8, 2016.
- Indian and Korean Coast Guards have been conducting the exercise since 2004 under a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU).
- The exercise is aimed at further strengthening the relationship between the coast guards of the two countries and refine joint operating procedures.
NATO Launched Biggest Military Exercise in Poland
- The North Atlantic Treaty Orgnisation (NATO) launched biggest ever joint military exercises in Poland, called Anaconda-16 on June 7, 2016.
- Some 31000 Polish, the USA and other troops participated in the land, sea and air exercises.
- The goal of Anakonda-16 is to train, exercise and integrate the Polish national command and force structures into an allied, joint multi-national environment.
India Conducted Desert Eagle II Exercise with UAE
- Desert Eagle II, a bilateral exercises between Indian Air Force (IAF) and United Arab Emirates Air Force (UAE AF), concluded on June 3, 2016,
- This was a ten-day air combat exercise in which the IAF and the UAE Air Force undertook air exercises from AJ-Dhafra Air Base, Abu Dhabi starting from May 22, 2016.
- Defence cooperation between the two nations gained momentum after signing of the ‘Agreement of Defence Cooperation’ during the visit of the Chief of Staff of UAE Armed Forces to India in 2003.
- This was an excellent opportunity for both the Air Forces to leam . from each other and exchange best practices which in turn would be mutually beneficial.
India Joined the Hague Code of Conduct
- India has joined the Hague Code of Conduct (HCoC) against Ballistic Missile Proliferation on June 2, 2016. HCoC was formed in November, 2002 with 137 members. China, Pakistan, Israel and Iran have not yet joined the voluntary regime.
- The HCoC is a voluntary. Legally non-binding international confidence building and transparency measure that seeks to prevent the proliferation of ballistic missiles that are capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction.
- By joining this india will be benefitted in several ways like strengthening global non-proliferation objectives, membership application lor the coveted Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and strengthen its ease at the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).