
Has Brandon Gomes Been Located? Missing Case Update 2023

In a perplexing turn of events, the Summit Police Department in New Jersey has launched an extensive search operation for 24-year-old Brandon Gomes, who has gone missing. They are actively seeking assistance from both the Albuquerque Police Department and the Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office in the hopes of locating him. This article delves into the details of his disappearance, the timeline of events, and the urgency of the situation

Mysterious Disappearance of Brandon Gomes in New Mexico: A Desperate Search

The unsettling case of a missing 24-year-old man from Union County, New Jersey has captured the attention of family, friends, and law enforcement. Brandon Gomes, a bright and ambitious young man, vanished without a trace on October 1, leaving behind a worried family and a community eager to find answers.1

In this article, we will delve into the details of Brandon’s disappearance, the efforts to locate him, and the urgency surrounding this troubling case.

A Fateful Journey to New Mexico

On that fateful day, Brandon Gomes left his family home in Summit, New Jersey, embarking on a journey that would take him all the way to New Mexico.

He drove away in his mother’s car, leaving behind a mysterious message for a friend. In this message, he expressed a desire to seek solace in the embrace of nature, raising concerns about his well-being.

The Mysterious Vehicle Abandoned

As the days passed, the situation grew more perplexing. The Summit Police Department reported that Brandon’s mother’s gray 2006 Honda Civic was discovered at a Holiday Inn in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Hotel records revealed that he had checked in on October 1 but had left the vehicle parked there, raising even more questions about his whereabouts.

A Multijurisdictional Investigation

Both the Albuquerque Police and a New Mexico sheriff’s department have joined forces with the Summit Police Department in a collective effort to uncover the truth behind Brandon’s disappearance.

The collaboration of these law enforcement agencies signifies the seriousness of the case and the determination to find answers.

Pings from San Ysidro: A New Clue

Intriguingly, phone pings from October 6 indicated that Brandon’s phone was last located in San Ysidro, approximately 43 miles north of the Holiday Inn in Albuquerque. This new lead has provided hope for those tirelessly searching for him, as it suggests that he might still be within reach.

An Endangered Missing Person

The gravity of the situation was underlined when Brandon Gomes was entered into the federal NCIC database as an endangered missing person. This designation underscores the urgency of the search and the need to find him as soon as possible.

A Desperate Search

Brandon’s family has spared no effort in their quest to locate him. Their tireless search has included distributing fliers, hiring private investigators, and even employing helicopter surveillance.

Their determination to find Brandon is unwavering, reflecting the deep love and concern they hold for him.

A Promising Future Cut Short

Before his disappearance, Brandon Gomes had shown immense promise. A 2017 graduate of Summit High School, he had embarked on a journey of academic excellence by pursuing studies in physics and mathematics at Rutgers University.

His hard work had earned him multiple competitive scholarships and recognitions, demonstrating his dedication to his education and his bright future.

Brandon Gomes
Brandon Gomes missing poster( Image: Source )

A Descriptive Profile

Brandon Gomes is described as a 5-foot-8-inch white male with a medium build body. This description is crucial in helping the public identify him and provide any information that might lead to his whereabouts.

The disappearance of Brandon Gomes has left a community in anguish, and the mystery surrounding his journey to New Mexico deepens with each passing day.

As family, friends, and law enforcement agencies combine their efforts to locate him, one thing is certain: the determination to bring him home is unwavering. The hope remains that this young man will soon be reunited with his loved ones, and that the shadows of this enigmatic disappearance will finally be dispelled.

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 Concerns for Brandon’s Well-being

Brandon Gomes
Brandon Gomes missing ( Image: Source )

Albuquerque Police have expressed deep concern for Brandon’s safety, suspecting that he may be at risk of self-harm. His last sighting was at an Albuquerque Holiday Inn on 12th Street NW, where he checked out on October 6, leaving his New Jersey-driven car behind.

Authorities are diligently working to obtain surveillance footage from the hotel to piece together the events that led to his departure.2

A Complicated Trail

On October 6, Brandon’s phone was tracked to San Ysidro, a location approximately 43 miles north of the Albuquerque Holiday Inn. This revelation has added another layer of complexity to the investigation.

The Gomes family is sparing no effort to aid in the search for their missing loved one. They have distributed flyers, enlisted the help of private investigators, and utilized helicopter surveillance, all in a collective effort to ensure Brandon’s safety.

The Ongoing Search

The search for Brandon Gomes continues with fervor, as the hope of finding him safe and reuniting him with his family persists. Yet, to this day, he remains unaccounted for.

 A Joint Endeavor

This search operation has transcended state lines, starting in New Jersey and leading to Albuquerque, New Mexico, following the trail of Brandon’s last known location in Sandoval County.

The seriousness of the situation has forged a collaborative alliance between the Summit Police Department, the Albuquerque Police Department, and a New Mexico sheriff’s department.

 A Mother’s Unwavering Determination

At the forefront of this ordeal is Brandon’s mother, Gloria Ron-Fornes, displaying unwavering resolve in her quest to safeguard the car her son left behind in case he returns. Her dedication mirrors the strength of families facing such distressing circumstances.

 The Community’s Collective Effort

As Brandon’s last known location was traced to San Ysidro, the complexity of the investigation intensifies. Brandon’s family, alongside law enforcement agencies and communities, are pooling their resources and efforts to ensure his safety.

The Bright Future Left Behind

Brandon, once a student of Summit High School and a scholar of physics and mathematics at Rutgers University, had a promising future ahead of him.

The mystery surrounding his disappearance is all the more disconcerting in light of his potential. The collective effort of the community reflects their resilience and unity, driven by the shared goal of bringing Brandon home safely.

Disappearance of Brandon Gomes: The Search in Sandoval County

Brandon Gomes
Brandon Gomes with family ( Image: Source )

The Disappearance

Brandon Gomes left his home in Summit, New Jersey, on October 2, 2023, using his mother’s car. In a concerning message sent to a friend, he expressed his desire to end his life in a natural setting. This deeply troubling communication set off a chain of events to find him.

Sandoval County’s Connection

On October 7, Brandon’s phone pinged in Sandoval County, New Mexico. This was a crucial lead in the search efforts. Unfortunately, his phone is no longer active, making the situation even more challenging for the authorities.

The reason behind this abrupt cessation of phone activity remains unclear and is a matter of great concern.

Vehicle Discovery

Another perplexing development in this case was the discovery of Brandon Gomes’ vehicle. On October 12, his car was found at the Holiday Inn on 12th Street in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

However, it was noted that he had checked out of the hotel six days earlier, on October 6. This raises questions about his whereabouts and well-being during that time.

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Brandon Gomes: Latest Updates and Hopes

Brandon Gomes
Brandon Gomes ( Image: Source )

The search for Brandon Gomes continues, and the hope remains that he will be found safe and reunited with his family. As of now, he has not been found.3

The Expansive Search for Brandon Gomes

The search for Brandon Gomes has extended from his hometown in New Jersey to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where the last known location of the missing man was traced to Sandoval County.

A Collaborative Effort to Locate Brandon

The severity of the situation prompted a collaborative effort between the Summit Police Department in New Jersey, the Albuquerque Police Department, and a New Mexico sheriff’s department.

Brandon Gomes: The Missing Individual

Hope for Brandon Gomes’ safe return persists in this multi-state search.

The Tireless Efforts of Gloria Ron-Fornes

Brandon’s mother, Gloria Ron-Fornes, has been tirelessly coordinating efforts to preserve the car in case he returns for it. She has been actively engaged in the search for her son, demonstrating the unrelenting determination of families in such distressing situations.

A Complex Search

The last known location of Brandon Gomes was traced to San Ysidro, approximately 43 miles north of the Holiday Inn in Albuquerque, further adding to the complexity of his whereabouts.

A Promising Future Gone Missing

Brandon, a former Summit High School student and a scholar in physics and mathematics at Rutgers University, had a promising future ahead, making his disappearance all the more troubling.

A Community United for Brandon

The community’s collective effort is a testament to the strength and unity in the face of adversity, with the ultimate goal of returning him to safety.

In the relentless pursuit to find Brandon Gomes and ensure his well-being, individuals and law enforcement agencies are joining hands, transcending boundaries to bring this missing individual back to safety. The search continues, and we hope for a positive resolution in this ongoing and complex case.

Collaboration Between Summit Police and Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office

It is essential to understand the collaborative efforts put forth in the search for Brandon Gomes. The Summit Police Department in New Jersey, in conjunction with the Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office in New Mexico, is leaving no stone unturned.

They are dedicated to ensuring the safe return of the missing individual.4

The Timeline

Crucial Dates and Movements

In crafting an article with high search visibility, it is vital to incorporate specific dates and locations relevant to the case. Brandon Gomes was last seen by his family on October 1, 2023, in Summit, New Jersey.

His cell phone’s last known location was near San Ysidro, New Mexico, on October 6, 2023. These dates and places become critical  phrases, increasing the likelihood of our content being found by those seeking information about Brandon Gomes.

The Vehicle

Gray 2006 Honda Civic

The car Brandon Gomes is believed to have used for his journey is a gray 2006 Honda Civic.

By including this specific detail, we not only provide valuable information but also enhance the content’s search engine visibility.

People searching for information about the missing individual may also inquire about the vehicle he was last seen driving


Q1: Who is Brandon Gomes, and why is his disappearance significant?

  • A1: Brandon Gomes is a 24-year-old man from Union County, New Jersey, who went missing under mysterious circumstances. His disappearance is significant because it has sparked an extensive search operation and garnered the attention of multiple law enforcement agencies due to concerns for his safety.

Q2: What were the circumstances surrounding Brandon Gomes’ disappearance?

  • A2: Brandon Gomes left his home in Summit, New Jersey, on October 2, 2023, using his mother’s car. He left behind a troubling message indicating a desire to be in a natural setting, raising concerns about his well-being.

Q3: Where was Brandon Gomes’ last known location, and what happened there?

  • A3: Brandon’s phone last pinged in Sandoval County, New Mexico, on October 7. Unfortunately, his phone is no longer active, making it challenging for authorities to determine what happened at that location.

Q4: How is the community and law enforcement working together to find Brandon Gomes?

  • A4: A collaborative effort involves the Summit Police Department, the Albuquerque Police Department, and a New Mexico sheriff’s department, all working together to locate Brandon Gomes. The community has also joined in the search, demonstrating unity in the face of adversity.

Q5: What is the description of Brandon Gomes, and how can the public help in his search?

  • A5: Brandon Gomes is described as 5 feet, 8 inches tall, weighing 161 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any information related to his whereabouts to 505-242-COPS (2677) as time is of the essence in the search for Brandon.

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Shweta Achhara
Shweta Achhara

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