
Is Alexandra Constantine Tim Tszyu Wife or Girlfriend? Relationship Explored

Today, we delve into the intriguing world of Alexandra Constantine and explore the mystery surrounding her relationship with the boxing sensation, Tim Tszyu. This article will not only provide insights into Alexandra’s identity but also answer the pressing question: Is she Tim Tszyu’s wife or girlfriend?

The Rising Star of Australian Boxing: Tim Tszyu

In the realm of Australian boxing, one name that has been making waves is Tim Tszyu. Born on November 2nd, 1994, this exceptionally talented professional boxer has carved his own path to success.1

In this article, we will delve into the life and achievements of Tim Tszyu, who is currently a dominant force in the Australian light-middleweight division.

Tim Tszyu’s Impressive Career

The Australian Light-Middleweight Champion

In 2019, Tim Tszyu achieved a remarkable feat by claiming the Australian light-middleweight title. This victory solidified his presence in the boxing world and marked the beginning of a promising career. Tszyu’s dedication and hard work in the ring have paid off, and he continues to be a force to be reckoned with in this weight class.

A Rising Star on the World Stage

Tim Tszyu’s achievements don’t stop at the Australian level. He is also currently ranked as the No.1 Australian light-middleweight and holds the prestigious WBO Interim Junior Middleweight World Champion title, as recognized by BoxRec.

This impressive global ranking is a testament to his skills and determination, making him a rising star on the world boxing stage.

A Family Legacy

Kostya Tszyu: A Father’s Legacy

Boxing is in Tim Tszyu’s blood. His father, Kostya Tszyu, is a former light-welterweight world champion in boxing. Kostya Tszyu’s illustrious career in the sport has left an indelible mark, and it’s clear that his passion for boxing has been passed down to his son, Tim.

The Tszyu family’s legacy in the boxing world is one of pride and accomplishment.

Brotherly Bond: Nikita Tszyu

Tim Tszyu is not alone in his journey. His brother, Nikita Tszyu, is also part of the family’s boxing tradition. The Tszyu brothers share a deep bond, both inside and outside the ring. They inspire and support each other, creating a formidable force within the sport.

Beyond the Ring: A True Artistic Tribute

The Archibald Prize Finalist

Tim Tszyu’s influence extends beyond the world of boxing. His impact is so profound that he became a finalist for the prestigious 2022 Archibald Prize, a highly acclaimed Australian art award. Renowned artist Ksenija Hrnjak created a captivating portrait of Tim Tszyu, a testament to his influence and charisma that transcends the confines of the boxing ring.


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Alexandra Constantine: The Power Behind the Champion

Tim Tszyu, at 25, has made significant strides in the boxing world. He attributes a substantial part of his achievements to his 27-year-old partner, Alexandra Constantine.2

Despite her demanding career in property law, Alexandra has been a constant presence in Tim’s life. She hasn’t missed a single one of his professional fights.

But her role in Tim’s success goes beyond being ringside during matches. Tim acknowledges that Alexandra is his pillar of strength. She plays an active part in his training, keeping him focused and adhering to a strict diet.

When Tim dieted, she dieted alongside him, preparing nutritious meals and helping him maintain discipline.

Tim passionately emphasizes that their shared journey extends to her as well.

His victories are not solely his own; she deserves a share of the spotlight. This level of commitment and partnership is a testament to the strength of their relationship.

Love at First Punch: How They Met

Their love story began in a boxing class in Rockdale back in 2016. Tim, known for not holding pads for anyone else, was immediately captivated by Alexandra. It was her warm and welcoming smile that drew him in. When the class ended, they struck up a conversation, and they’ve been inseparable ever since.

Constantine, a linguist who is fluent in English, French, and Macedonian, has shown unwavering support throughout Tim’s professional career. She was there when Tim defeated former world champion Jeff Horn, delivering a performance that solidified his status as Australia’s new boxing sensation.

Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu
Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu ( Image: Source )

Tim Tszyu: Making a Name for Himself

Despite the inevitable comparisons to his father, Kostya Tszyu, a legendary figure in the world of boxing, Tim is determined to carve his path. He is not content to live in his father’s shadow. Tim asserts that his achievements are the result of hard work and dedication, not merely his last name.

His 16th consecutive victory, where he convincingly defeated Jeff Horn, has positioned Tim as the “new face of Australian boxing.” He’s determined to prove that his success is rooted in his own efforts, setting a remarkable example for aspiring fighters.

What Lies Ahead

With an impressive record of 16-0, Tim Tszyu’s career is on an upward trajectory. He now holds the WBO Global and Australian IBF super welterweight titles, positioning him for a potential world title fight. His remarkable journey has also garnered attention in Russia, where future bouts are on the horizon.

Tim Tszyu’s journey to success is remarkable, and his partnership with Alexandra Constantine is a heartwarming testament to their commitment and dedication.

While there may always be comparisons to his father, Tim’s achievements speak for themselves, and he’s determined to make a name for himself in the world of boxing.

The Ringwalk Controversy

Leading up to the fight, there was controversy surrounding the order of the ringwalk. Traditionally, the B-side boxer enters the ring first, with the champion or higher-ranked fighter following. In this case, as the titleholder, Tim Tszyu was expected to enter the ring second.

However, Horn’s team employed a surprising psychological tactic and refused to walk out first. Tim maintained his composure, asserting his position as the higher-ranked fighter.

Horn’s Impressive Career

Jeff Horn, with a record of 20 wins, two losses, and one draw, brought a formidable reputation into the bout. He had notable victories against the likes of Manny Pacquiao and Anthony Mundine, entertaining huge crowds at Suncorp Stadium. Despite three losses in his last five fights, Horn’s future in boxing remains uncertain.

Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu
Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu ( Image: Source )

Tim Tszyu’s Endearing Love Story with Alexandra Constantine

In the realm of Australian boxing, where the spotlight often shines brightly on its champions, Tim Tszyu stands out as a genuine superstar. However, amidst the whirlwind of fame and fortune, there’s a heartwarming love story that keeps him grounded.3

Meet Alexandra Constantine, the woman who has been his unwavering support from day one, and discover how their love story blossomed amidst the high-stakes world of professional boxing.

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The Bond that Grounds Tszyu

As Tim Tszyu ascends to superstardom in Australian boxing, he remains firmly rooted in his values and beliefs. He’s not one to be swayed by the allure of fame, even though he admired the boxing prowess of Floyd Mayweather during his formative years.

What keeps him grounded in the world of instant superstardom is his relationship with Alexandra Constantine.

She is not just a girlfriend; she is his rock, his unwavering source of support in a world that often demands so much from him.

In his own words, Tim Tszyu states, “My missus has been there from the get-go. She’s my rock. She’s the one that supports me. The person that I come home to every day. Even on hard days, she’s always there, sticking by my side.”

The Beginning of Love

Tim Tszyu and Alexandra Constantine’s love story began over four years ago. Their paths crossed in 2016 when Alexandra started taking boxing lessons at Tszyu’s gym in Rockdale. It’s a classic tale of love at first sight, but not in the conventional sense. For Tszyu, it was Alexandra’s smile that captured his heart.

“I normally don’t hold pads for people, so she was lucky she got pads that day,” Tszyu humorously recounts. “Her smile was what actually made me fall in love with her.”

In her perspective, Alexandra adds, “I went to pay after class, and he wouldn’t let me. We began talking over the next few weeks, although I never went back for a class. We don’t train together, my friends are surprised that he’s not my personal trainer.”

Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu
Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu ( Image: Source )

Evolving Lives

As Tim Tszyu’s star continues to rise, life is changing for both him and Alexandra. The fame he achieved by dethroning Jeff Horn last year has set their lives on a trajectory of rapid transformation. While Tszyu remains humble and dedicated to his craft, the financial rewards are beginning to pour in.

Tszyu reflects, “My manager has a job to look after me financially, and we’re in a good position right now. But for me, I couldn’t care less about that stuff. It’s just all about winning and becoming the best.”

Indeed, fame may be knocking on their door, but their bond remains unshaken. Tszyu acknowledges the changing dynamics, saying, “Between us, nothing has changed.

She’s getting used to more attention. Privacy is slowly going away. People are always looking at us. I’ve been used to it from a young age because of Dad, but she’ll be all right.”

In closing, Tszyu shares his perspective on fame, “I don’t chase it. I know it comes with the game and is part of the territory. The fact I can make someone’s day by just shaking their hand or taking a photo is something I’ll always take time to do with the fans, because without them, none of this would be possible. But I don’t chase it. I just understand that it’s coming and it’s only going to get worse.”

Tim Tszyu’s love story with Alexandra Constantine serves as a heartwarming reminder that even in the midst of the brightest spotlights, a strong and supportive relationship can be the anchor that keeps a superstar grounded.

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Alexandra Constantine: Tim Tszyu Strength

Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu
Alexandra Constantine & Tim Tszyu ( Image: Source )

Meet Alexandra Constantine

Alexandra Constantine is more than just the partner of a rising boxing star; she’s a multifaceted individual in her own right. A Sydney-born finance graduate, she’s fluent in three languages: English, French, and Macedonian.4

She completed her education at SCEGGS Darlinghurst in Sydney before venturing into finance at the University of Technology Sydney. Currently, she works with NSW Transport as an Assistant Property Asset Manager.

Notably, she’s attended nearly all of Tim Tszyu’s professional fights, demonstrating unwavering support both inside and outside the ring. Tszyu appreciates her commitment, saying, “It means the world, just to have someone by your side, and not just at the fights.

She lives this as well. She is young, she could be going out to bars, hanging out with her friends, instead she’s stuck in a sauna with me on Saturday nights, and then we have an early night. When I diet, she diets. She cooks a lot of meals; she actually keeps me grounded with my diet.”

Alexandra Constantine is more than just the girlfriend of boxing champion Tim Tszyu.

She’s a fascinating individual in her own right. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Sydney, she boasts proficiency in three languages: English, French, and Macedonian. Let’s delve deeper into her remarkable journey.

Tim Tszyu
Tim Tszyu ( Image: Source )

A Multilingual Upbringing

Constantine’s multicultural background is reflected in her linguistic talents. Growing up in a diverse city like Sydney, she honed her language skills, becoming fluent in not just her native English but also in French and Macedonian. This linguistic diversity has undoubtedly enriched her life and outlook.

Educational Pursuits

Her path to success began with her education. Constantine attended SCEGGS Darlinghurst in Sydney, where she laid the foundation for her future achievements. Following her schooling, she set her sights on finance and enrolled at the University of Technology Sydney, where she further honed her skills and knowledge.

Career Trajectory

While many might assume that being in a high-profile relationship is her primary role, Alexandra Constantine is far from being just a companion. Before making headlines as Tim Tszyu’s girlfriend, she pursued a career in property law.

Presently, she holds a prominent role as an analyst at Dexus, showcasing her commitment and expertise in the financial sector.

Guiding Tszyu’s Success

Constantine is not only Tim’s partner but also an integral figure in guiding him through both his personal and professional life. Her unwavering support for Tszyu’s boxing career is evident.

She has never missed a single one of his professional fights, standing by his side during each intense match.

In a recent interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Tszyu couldn’t help but praise Constantine, saying, “She lives this as well. She is young; she could be going out to bars, hanging out with her friends. Instead, she’s stuck in a sauna with me on Saturday nights, and then we have an early night.” Her dedication to his success is unquestionable.


Q1: Who is Tim Tszyu, and what makes him stand out in Australian boxing?

A1: Tim Tszyu is a rising star in Australian boxing. He made a name for himself by becoming the Australian light-middleweight champion in 2019, and he currently holds the prestigious WBO Interim Junior Middleweight World Champion title. His exceptional talent and determination set him apart in the sport.

Q2: What is Tim Tszyu’s family legacy in boxing?

A2: Tim Tszyu comes from a family deeply rooted in boxing. His father, Kostya Tszyu, is a former light-welterweight world champion, and Tim’s brother, Nikita Tszyu, is also a part of the family’s boxing tradition. Their legacy in the sport is one of pride and accomplishment.

Q3: How did Tim Tszyu’s love story with Alexandra Constantine begin?

A3: Tim and Alexandra’s love story started in 2016 when they crossed paths in a boxing class in Rockdale. Tim was immediately captivated by Alexandra’s warm and welcoming smile, and they struck up a conversation after the class. They’ve been inseparable ever since.

Q4: What role does Alexandra Constantine play in Tim Tszyu’s boxing career?

A4: Alexandra Constantine is not just Tim Tszyu’s girlfriend; she plays an active role in his boxing career. She supports him both inside and outside the ring, and she’s involved in his training, nutrition, and maintaining discipline. Her dedication is a significant part of Tim’s success.

Q5: What sets Alexandra Constantine apart in her own right, beyond her relationship with Tim Tszyu?

A5: Alexandra Constantine is a multifaceted individual with a background in finance and proficiency in three languages: English, French, and Macedonian. She has a successful career as an analyst in property law and is not solely defined by her relationship with Tim Tszyu.

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Shweta Achhara
Shweta Achhara

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