
Who Is Michelle Obama: Her Net Worth is $110 Million (2022) Assets Investments

Who Is Michelle Obama: Her Net Worth is $110 Million (2022) Assets Investments

Former First Lady Michelle Obama has a net worth of $110 million. Michelle Obama’s annual earnings, income from book royalties, cars, home, and other statistics are shared exclusively here.

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama

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Michelle Obama’s Royalty Income

Michelle Obama has authored over 9 popular books throughout the years, from which she receives royalties each year. Michelle Obama has made more than $15 million in royalties in the last year. Michelle Obama has earned almost $40 million in royalties during her lifetime. Look into Nancy Pelosi’s net worth.

Michelle Obama’s Spotify Earnings

Spotify has agreed to a three-year deal worth $15 million with Michelle Obama. This means that Michelle Obama will earn up to $5 million per year from her Spotify podcasts.

Michelle Obama Assets Investments

Michelle Obama’s holdings include 14 real estate properties, six automobiles, and three luxury yachts. Michelle Obama’s asset portfolio also includes nearly $22 million in cash reserves. Michelle Obama also has a $20 million investment portfolio consisting of 15 stocks. Michelle Obama’s stock holdings are given below. See also Elizabeth Warren Net Worth.

Michelle Obama’s Liabilities and Loans

Michelle Obama took out a $20,000 student education debt throughout her college years. Michelle Obama, on the other hand, has fully returned her education loan after earning money from her law practise and writing books.

Michelle Obama does not come from a wealthy family. This indicates that Michelle Obama has amassed her entire net worth over the course of a decade. Michelle Obama’s prudent investments in stock markets, royalties from her books, and real estate generate a large amount of cash for her each month, allowing her wealth to grow.

Michelle Obama House

Michelle Obama resides in Barack Obama’s 10,200-square-foot luxurious mansion in Chicago, Illinois. Michelle Obama purchased his residence for an estimated $12 million dollars. This house has 9 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms.

Michelle Obama’s Biography

Michelle Obama’s father worked for the Chicago Water Department as a pump operator, while her mother stayed at home to care for Michelle and her elder brother Craig. Michelle Obama graduated from Princeton University with a bachelor’s degree and from Harvard Law School with a juris doctorate.

Michelle Obama became associate dean of student services at the University of Chicago in 1996, where she established the university’s first community service programme. Michelle Obama began her career at the University of Chicago Medical Center in 2002, where she rose to the position of vice president of community and external affairs in 2005.

Michelle Obama’s Political Affiliation

Michelle Obama supported Democratic contender Hillary Clinton and delivered many high-profile speeches in her support, including one at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Michelle Obama spearheaded the Reach Higher Initiative during Barack Obama’s second term to educate students understand career options and the education and skills required for those professions.

Michelle Obama became a key figure in Barack Obama’s campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. Michelle Obama resigned from her employment at the University of Chicago in order to spend more time to campaigning. Michelle Obama was interested in a variety of initiatives as first lady, most notably aiding military families and putting an end to childhood obesity.

Historic Legacy of the Nation’s First Black First Lady

Historians observe that Michelle Obama leaves an extraordinary legacy, not just as the nation’s first black first lady and a staunch supporter of her husband’s policies, but also as a campaigner for a healthier nation and equal access to education.

“What struck me about Michelle Obama is how much she made the role her own,” Allida Black, the White House Historical Association’s first lady historian, told NBC News. “She not only became more at ease, but also more influential as first lady in ways that were truly her own, and they were distinctive.”

We look back at Obama’s journey as a presidential spouse from her early days to the present. She was dubbed a potential problem during her husband’s first campaign, but she leaves the White House as probably the brightest spot in a bleak Democratic landscape, so popular that after the election, supporters filled social media, urging her to return not as first lady, but as president. Continue reading this article from NBC Today.

Michelle Obama: A Modern-Day Revolutionary Woman

Michelle Obama is a contemporary revolutionary. She has advocated for girls’ education, equal rights, American families in poverty, and healthy living. Not to mention the astounding list of titles she’s held: first lady, lawyer, mother, style icon, and popular author, owing to her memoir “Becoming.”

She’s done everything “with grace, grit, flair, and good humour,” as husband Barack Obama stated in his presidential farewell address. Michelle has become a role model for girls and women all across the world, especially when you consider the guidance she’s offered over the years. Her remarks have been used as a soundboard for discussions ranging from business and achievement to relationships and identity. Continue reading this article from Business Insider.

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Early life and ancestry

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, to Fraser Robinson III (1935–1991), a city water plant employee and Democratic precinct captain, and Marian Shields Robinson (b. July 30, 1937), a secretary at Spiegel’s catalog store. Her mother was a full-time homemaker until Michelle entered high school.

The Robinson and Shields families trace their roots to pre-Civil War African Americans in the American South. On her father’s side, she is descended from the Gullah people of South Carolina’s Low Country region.[8] Her paternal great-great grandfather, Jim Robinson, was born into slavery in 1850 on Friendfield Plantation, near Georgetown, South Carolina. He became a freedman at age 15 after the war. Some of Obama’s paternal family still reside in the Georgetown area. Her grandfather Fraser Robinson, Jr. built his own house in South Carolina. He and his wife LaVaughn (née Johnson) returned to the Low Country from Chicago after retirement.

Among her maternal ancestors was her great-great-great-grandmother, Melvinia Dosey Shields, born into slavery in South Carolina but sold to Henry Walls Shields, who had a 200-acre farm in Clayton County, Georgia, near Atlanta. Melvinia’s first son, Adolphus T. Shields, was biracial and born into slavery around 1860. Based on DNA and other evidence, in 2012 researchers said his father was likely 20-year-old Charles Marion Shields, son of Melvinia’s master. They may have had a continuing relationship, as she had two more mixed-race children and lived near Shields after emancipation, taking his surname (she later changed her surname).

As was often the case, Melvinia did not talk to relatives about Dolphus’s father. Dolphus Shields, with his wife Alice, moved to Birmingham, Alabama after the Civil War. They were great-great-grandparents of Michelle Robinson, whose grandparents had moved to Chicago. Other of their children’s lines migrated to Cleveland, Ohio in the 20th century.

All four of Robinson’s grandparents had multiracial ancestors, reflecting the complex history of the U.S. Her extended family has said that people did not talk about the era of slavery when they were growing up. Her distant ancestry includes Irish, English, and Native American roots. Among her contemporary extended family is Rabbi Capers Funnye; born in Georgetown, South Carolina. Funnye is the son of her grandfather Robinson’s sister and her husband, and he is about 12 years older than Michelle. Funnye converted to Judaism after college. He is a paternal first cousin once-removed.

Robinson’s childhood home was on the upper floor of 7436 South Euclid Avenue in Chicago’s South Shore community area, which her parents rented from her great-aunt, who had the first floor. She was raised in what she describes as a “conventional” home, with “the mother at home, the father works, you have dinner around the table”. Her elementary school was down the street. She and her family enjoyed playing games such as Monopoly, reading, and frequently saw extended family on both sides. She played piano, learning from her great-aunt, who was a piano teacher. The Robinsons attended services at nearby South Shore United Methodist Church. They used to vacation in a rustic cabin in White Cloud, Michigan. She and her 21-month-older brother, Craig, skipped the second grade.

Her father suffered from multiple sclerosis, which had a profound effect on her. Subsequently, she was determined to stay out of trouble and perform well in school. By sixth grade, Michelle joined a gifted class at Bryn Mawr Elementary School (later renamed Bouchet Academy). She attended Whitney Young High School, Chicago’s first magnet high school, established as a selective enrollment school, where she was a classmate of Jesse Jackson’s daughter Santita. The round-trip commute from the Robinsons’ South Side home to the Near West Side, where the school was located, took three hours. Michelle recalled being fearful of how others would perceive her, but disregarded any negativity around her and used it “to fuel me, to keep me going”. She recalled facing gender discrimination growing up, saying, for example, that rather than asking her for her opinion on a given subject, people commonly tended to ask what her older brother thought. She was on the honor roll for four years, took advanced placement classes, was a member of the National Honor Society, and served as student council treasurer. She graduated in 1981 as the salutatorian of her class.

Education and early career

Robinson was inspired to follow her brother to Princeton University, which she entered in 1981. She majored in sociology and minored in African-American studies, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985 after completing a 99-page senior thesis titled “Princeton Educated Blacks and the Black Community” under the supervision of Walter Wallace.

Robinson recalls that some of her teachers in high school tried to dissuade her from applying, and that she had been warned against “setting my sights too high”. She believed her brother’s status as an alumnus – he graduated in 1983,[39] before being hired as a basketball coach at Oregon State University and Brown University – may have helped her during the admission process, but she was resolved to demonstrate her own worth. She has said she was overwhelmed during her first year, attributing this to the fact that neither of her parents had graduated from college, and that she had never spent time on a college campus.

The mother of a white roommate reportedly tried to get her daughter reassigned because of Michelle’s race. Robinson said being at Princeton was the first time she became more aware of her ethnicity and, despite the willingness of her classmates and teachers to reach out to her, she still felt “like a visitor on campus”. There were also issues of economic class. “I remember being shocked,” she says, “by college students who drove BMWs. I didn’t even know parents who drove BMWs.”

While at Princeton, Robinson became involved with the Third World Center (now known as the Carl A. Fields Center), an academic and cultural group who supported minority students. She ran their daycare center, which also offered after school tutoring for older children. She challenged the teaching methodology for French because she felt it should be more conversational. As part of her requirements for graduation, she wrote a sociology thesis, entitled Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community. She researched her thesis by sending a questionnaire to African-American graduates, asking that they specify when and how comfortable they were with their race prior to their enrollment at Princeton and how they felt about it when they were a student and since then. Of the 400 alumni to whom she sent the survey, fewer than 90 responded. Her findings did not support her hope that the black alumni would still identify with the African-American community, even though they had attended an elite university and had the advantages that accrue to its graduates.

Robinson pursued professional study, earning her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Harvard Law School in 1988. By the time she applied for Harvard Law, biographer Bond wrote, her confidence had increased: “This time around, there was no doubt in her mind that she had earned her place”. Her faculty mentor at Harvard Law was Charles Ogletree, who has said she had answered the question that had plagued her throughout Princeton by the time she arrived at Harvard Law: whether she would remain the product of her parents or keep the identity she had acquired at Princeton; she had concluded she could be “both brilliant and black”.

At Harvard, Robinson participated in demonstrations advocating the hiring of professors who were members of minority groups. She worked for the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, assisting low-income tenants with housing cases. She is the third first lady with a postgraduate degree, after her two immediate predecessors, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush. She later said her education gave her opportunities beyond what she had ever imagined.

Michelle Obama's Family
Michelle Obama’s Family

Michelle Obama Wiki

Full Name Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama
Age 58 years
Height 5 ft 9 in(1.79 m)
Weight 149 lb (68 kg)
Worth $110 Million

Exclusive Facts about Michelle Obama

Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Favorite Actor Marlon Brando
Favorite Actress Cate Blanchett
Favorite Colour Purple
Favorite Sport Badminton
Favorite Music Artist Micheal Jackson
Favorite Holiday Destination France

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Michelle Obama do for a living?

Michelle Obama is an author, advocate and also a podcaster through which she has earned over $15 Million in the past twelve months.

How tall is Michelle Obama?

1.82 meters (5 feet 11 inches).

What is Michelle Obama’s weight?

134 lbs (61 kilograms).

Where did Michelle Obama go to college?


Hi there! My name is Arpita Jain and I'm a passionate author with a love for storytelling. I've written several books across different genres including fiction, non-fiction, and children's literature.

My journey as an author started when I was a child and discovered my love for writing and creating stories. Over time, I've developed my writing skills and found my unique voice and perspective.

I strive to create characters that are vivid and compelling, settings that are immersive, and storylines that are thought-provoking. I explore complex themes such as love, loss, identity, and social issues in my writing, hoping to inspire readers to think deeply about the world around them.

Overall, writing is my true passion, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my stories with the world.

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